Baidu AI innovative products integrated marketing

Designed a IP image for the Baidu AI, comprehensively enhanced brand exposure

Adaptingto the trend of the favor of internet users to create a IP Image of "caringand cute robot" for XiaoDu the Robot, attracting 40,000 + followers in threemonths

Timely response to Internet hot topics, holiday festivals and celebrities to carry our creative activities and topic marketing. The creative content #a bit of expression# (#表情一下#) recorded nearly 60 million fans view; XiaoDu appeared in Wang Yuen’s birthday party, the exposure of relevant content has exceeded 2 million views.

Successfulplanning of multi-brand crossover activities, involving over 30 brands, hashtag topic activities brought a total of 5.5 million exposure, including # Baidu interview # (#百度最萌面試題#), # Cute contest # (#賣萌大比拼#), #Funny XiaoDu on the line # (#搞怪小度已上線#).

Creativevideo to highlight the Baidu innovative products and the latest technology.